Singing Guide: Matthew Mdot Finley

Singing Guide: Matthew Mdot Finley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Matthew Mdot Finley is an American singer/actor who gained popularity with his role as Luke Williams in the "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" movie. Mdot Finley's voice has a powerful and soulful quality, often compared to some of the greatest R&B singers of all time. He has a diverse range, capable of singing high notes with great ease while maintaining a smooth and controlled delivery. To sing like Mdot Finley, here are some tips and exercises for you along with some of his popular songs.

Breathing and Warm-up Exercises

The key to singing like Matthew Mdot Finley is having strong breath control. Singing low and high notes with equal ease requires good breathing techniques. A perfect warm-up exercise that Mdot Finley recommends is the Farinelli Breathing technique, which you can find on Singing Carrots.

Register Technique

Mdot Finley's ability to switch registers is impressive. He can easily sing both high and low notes, sometimes within the same song. Mdot Finley also employs the use of vocal breaks in his singing to create dramatic musical effects. Learn to control your register by practicing these exercises on Singing Carrots:

Vibrato and Resonance

Mdot Finley's voice has a unique vibrato that adds richness to the tone of his singing. Vibrato refers to a slight variation in pitch that gives a note more character and depth. Mdot Finley's voice also has excellent resonance, which refers to how sound waves resonate within your body. You can learn to add vibrato and improve resonance with these Singing Carrots exercises:


Mdot Finley's clear articulation is essential to his singing style. Articulation is the ability to pronounce words clearly while singing. Mdot Finley's voice has proper diction, making it easier for listeners to understand the lyrics. Improving articulation can be achieved through regular practice of exercises, such as:

Popular Songs to Learn

Here are some of the most popular songs sung by Matthew Mdot Finley that are ideal for practicing his style:

  1. Fire
  2. Wouldn't Change a Thing
  3. 2 Stars
  4. Heart & Soul

Incorporating Singing Carrots Resources

Apart from the tips and exercises mentioned above, Singing Carrots offers several resources that can help you improve your singing abilities, such as:

Using these resources in combination with the exercises and practical advice given here can take your singing and performance to the next level. All the best in your pursuit of singing like Matthew Mdot Finley!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.